Sunday, 17 June 2007

Lamia's Review

Directed by: Lamia Hakiki, Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci, Farah Khan.
Starring: Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci
Trailer 2007,

Pulse of Darkness is a Hollywood horror trailer, which aims to entertain its audience and at the same time informing them about the murder that is happening around the world, especially with problems of teenagers and as we are hearing a lot of these fatality problems this time.

In this trailer we included some really good shots, which made our trailer look realistic such as big close ups of the victim (Valeria) when she is shown with blood all over her face and she is shown as really frightened.

The other thing that made the trailer look really good and realistic was the parallel music that we have used which for example when we edited some scenes together and used the dip to black effect cutting from the scenes of the victim to the scenes of the murderer (Hasnaa), we there included the parallel sound which was of the heart beat.

We also used the parallel music when we filmed the knife covered with blood; we used the screams when showing that scene, so this will show the trailer uses a lot of murder and those screams which might mean that the victim is screaming asking for help when she is being murdered even though it is not shown when she is being murdered, it just making the audience see that when the victim’s face is covered with blood, it is therefore trying to create enigma and to make the audience think about how was the victim murdered and really wanting the audience wanting to watch.
we also included the Propp theory of the hero and the Villain, where Valeria was the hero trying to escape being killed and Hasnaa is the villain trying to kill her which is one of the convention of the horror trailers, because it is always used in that genre of trailer.
we used the titles which really fit in with the scenes, for eg: when we show the title "when she's alone in the dark" we show Hasnaa alone in the dark, we are showing the audience what we really mean.
Interesting facts!!!
When we were making the blood, we first tried ketchup then Farah came up with the idea that she knew how they really make blood in real movies, so we did but when it didn’t really work we tried all different types of ingredients especially food colouring and then we managed to get the blood.
When editing we really found it hard to edit because the computer was getting frozen and we got so many problems and we weren't able to get any done, but until the end we managed to get the editing done .

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