Monday 5 February 2007


So far we have begun filming our movie trailer and have gathered a fair amount of footage to get us started. Each person in our group had a role that they had to perform during filming and we all did them correctly. My job was to take part in filming and provide the characters of the trailer with make-up. The look that we were going for our villian was the look of 'Samara' from 'The Ring' 2002, although our intention wasn't to copy the look, we just thought that a mysterious presentation of our villian would be more interesting. I found that I had a good understanding of the various shots and angles that would be interesting to put into our trailer as my movie research helped me to do this. Even though we had some technical difficulties with the tripod and balancing I think by the end of the we all managed to overcome this and get some very useful shots.


1 comment:

Macguffin said...

Good work so far but try to include some pictures etc to liven up your blog.

Progress reports are fairly well detailed but need to be done by everyone every week.