Sunday 21 January 2007

RESEARCH - on trailers

Trailers are usually from one to one and half minutes long. Within that given time they inform the audience about the plot in brief and the characters within the film. We as a group are aiming for at least a minute and fifteen seconds long for our trailer. At the beginning of movies, the audience usually sees a production company associated with film. For example 'Dreamworks' for 'The Ring'2003, changed the image of the dreamworks logo in order to fit in with genre of the movie. Whereas the movie 'Shrek' also changed the image of the logo but to fit in with it's children's universal animation image.




Some movies trailers use no voiceovers and only have clips of writing to let the audience know exactly what is happening. These kind of trailers only use music to give the audience more suspense although some might think that voiceovers of a deep voice create more suspense...we haven't yet decided on what we're going to use for ours, but are contemplating a voiceover. If we can find a deep enough voice that is...


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