Saturday 17 March 2007

Valeria's Self Evaluation

I always work hard in lessons and always complete the tasks which are set on time. I would grade myself a 1.
I work hard in lessons to my full potential so I am able to really understand the topics, which results in me producing good pieces of work. I would grade myself a 1.
I generally attend all media lessons. however there have been a few occasions in which I have missed two lessons. Although I always arrive on time. I would grade myself a 2.
Submission and quality of homework
I generally hand all my homewok in on time, however there were two occasions in which I failed to meet the deadline set although I handed it in the following lesson. The quality of my homework is really good as it is always presented neatly and not rushed, in which I take my time to complete it. I would grade myself a 2.
Ability to work independantly
I am capable to work independantly, in which I use the library and internet to research current topics I am studying to produce my own work. I would grade myself a 1.
Quality of writing
The quality of my writing is always of a high standard. This is due to me always using words of a high vocabulary, which really improves my work. My presentation is always neat. I would grade myself a 1.
Organisation of media folder
My media folder is always organised, in which I have used dividers for each section covered, which is beneficial for my revision. I would garade myself a 1.
Oral contributions in class
I don't really contribute in class, although I should, to express my opinons in a particular topic raised, However if I am asked a question, I will answer it correctly. I would grade myself a 2.
Comments and contributions to the macguffin blog
I always contribute to the macguffin blog, in which I produce produce reports and have posted up various pics of our production so far and posted up research. I have also commented on other blogs. I would grade myself a 1.
Contribution to the group practical production
I had an active role in acting as I was playing a victim. I also pitched suitable ideas for our production and edited. I would grade myself a1.
Three targets/ areas of improvements over the next half term
1) To contribute more in class
2) To always hand homework in for the deadline set.
3) To attend all media lessons

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