Lamia Hakiki 12A
Practical Production Evaluation
(1,275 words)
For my practical production, I worked in a group of four people, we decided to make a horror trailer, we all agreed on the idea to make a horror trailer, and our trailer is called “Pulse of Darkness”.
The horror genre was used in our trailer by the storyline; because the whole story was based on that genre and by the shots we used that were low key lighting.
In relation to what we have studied in module two “Film and Broadcast fiction” we decided to make a horror trailer and using the convention studied in texts such as “Bullet Boy”(2005)and “Kidulthood”, we used the convention that “Bullet Boy” used a lot which was the low key lighting and the issue that both of those movie had which was murder, and that we have used in our trailer as well.
In addition to those texts, we did some more research on horror trailers such as “The Omen” and “Saw” we then got a lot of ideas, we saw that we needed to use the convention such as low key lighting and a lot of dark scenes as it is one of the horror conventions. We chose to search and investigate on those particular texts because they both had a similar genre to our trailer, so we found that useful and it really helped us.
Our working title was “Blind Date” and that was the first title we came up with at the beginning of our production, we had a different story line which was about a woman dating innocent men and killing them after wards, but then we found out that the genre of that was not really horror as it was romance as well because she was dating and it did not include horror conventions such as dark scenes etc, and then we changed our title to “Sweet Revenge” which was because the murderer was revenging from her past, but at the end we got the perfect title for our production which was “Pulse of Darkness”.
During our process of filming we came up with different ideas that were better and we changed the story line, and we decided to change our title to “Pulse of Darkness” this title looked more as a horror title, because it included the work dark which is related to horror conventions and pulse which is like a heart pulse when the victim is running her heart is beating, this title really matches the narrative of our trailer.
As the genre of our movie trailer is horror so it is aimed at a 16-25 audience of both genders from different ethnicities as our primary audience, and teenagers as our secondary audience, as it is a Hollywood trailer we want to appeal to a larger audience. our trailer is trying to create enigma throughout its titles and the phrases included especially “Pulse of Darkness” which is really a horror title and they will want to know why we have included those words in our trailer, we are trying to make the audience really wanting to know what is going to happen next and they are really wanting to watch the movie, so that is going to attract our audience and go to see the movie, the fans of this type of genre will be more likely to see the movie.
The trailer is about a woman trying to revenge from her past by killing innocent people, this woman is unknown, and she kills innocent females as it does in our trailer, she is trying to kill an innocent female, and this ideology is related to the theory of the hero and the villain, because we have the villain which is the murder and the hero which is the victim, both of our protagonists are females which is trying to promote a females ideology and showing how females are involved in murder in this society.
The female ideology can be seen as a binary opposition of Levi Strauss because we are opposing other movies which they mainly use men and teenagers as murderers as in “Bullet Boy”. To make our trailer different and stand out we have used both female protagonists.
Our cinematography was really good and effective, we have filmed the shots that we need, most of the filming by one person, but I was giving ideas on the ways to shot the scenes and what kind of scene to shot, we have used the low key lighting when filming the dark scenes, which really helped us when we reached the editing process, we used shots such as close ups on the murder’s face which included at the end our trailer to see how she is feeling and to identify with her.
When we first started editing, we shared the responsibilities in doing this work, so we were doing editing during our free periods and after school, at the beginning we had some problems when editing, the laptop used to get frozen every time we decided to start working, so basically we could not get any editing done, even though we tried many times but then we decided to edit at home but it did not work and we did not get anything done.
When the deadline was approaching we really did a lot of work we worked everyday to get it done, it was still a bit hard to finish off the last product because not the whole group was present sometimes, so we couldn’t do a lot, because if we did something and other members did not like it, we therefore had to change it, this was really hard to get it done, I was present in each session that we did editing and if I was alone I could not do a lot because not the whole group was present, when we nearly came to an end we decided to spent all the time we have got left and finish it off and the whole group needed to be present, we then got a lot done we came up with a final title and we also had difficulties to find the title sequences, we came up with many ideas but did not fit within the scenes, but at the end we got some really good titles that matched the scenes, this was one of the difficulties that we faced during the process of editing, we also used slow motion in our trailer to show the main shots and there we included the heartbeat soundtrack, we were showing the victim and the murder at the same time.
The music that we have used is digetic sound, I got the music at the beginning but then it didn’t really work well with the production and the scenes, and we changed because another member of the group got a perfect music which really fit within the trailer, we now got different soundtracks relating with each scenes.
When we came to the end of our production, we felt that there was something missing so in order to make it a perfect trailer we needed to include the institutions, we had about three institutions, but we felt it will be better to include only one institution and that was the 20th century fox institution which is a Hollywood institution and which is related to the type of trailer that we have made, the institution really made the trailer look so much better and look really professional because it included everything that was needed to make the trailer, and we are really proud of it because we worked really hard especially at the end.