Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Sunday, 17 June 2007

PULSE OF DARKNESS (2007) - Trailer
Directed by: Lamia Hakiki, Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci and Farah Khan
Starring: Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci

The title itself can bring uneasiness into the most tranquil of atmospheres and certainly it indeed lives up to that by captivating its audience through the way it incorporates enigmas from beginning to end. By using a female protagonist the creators have certainly understood that authenticity and originality is what appeals most to an audience and the imagery of a woman holding a knife endorsed in blood can prove to be interestingly diverse from what is usually linked to horror movie genres. The urban setting gives it a more up to date look that an audience of mature teens are sure to find appealing while the authentic use of gory detail is sure to attract an audience of regular horror movie viewers.

The contrapuntal soundtrack proves to be successful in adding to its enigmatic representation of usual horror movie conventions and sets the tone of the film in an exciting manner since it builds up throughout the trailer and never really concludes, which therefore leaves the audience wanting more. It is defiantly a visual treat for male viewers since the two leading characters are award winning actresses, Valeria Bramucci and Hasnaa Khaderun, who are known for turning fiction into actuality in their movies and this movie stands to be no different.

There is no doubt that the audience won’t feel a sense of fear while viewing this trailer since it draws them into the movie themselves therefore giving them a chance to identify with the characters through it’s extreme close-ups and slow build up of daunting music causing them to feel the fear that the victim (played by Valeria Bramucci) is feeling. Therefore, ‘Pulse of Darkness’ confirms to be the ultimate movie of this coming winter, a movie of today created from original aspects and sure not to disappoint an audience of waiting horror movie fans looking for the next best thing.

Farah Khan
PULSE OF DARKNESS Directed by: Lamia Hakiki, Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci, Farah Khan.
Starring: Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci
Trailer 2007, Themoreas.blogspot.com

Pulse of Darkness is a trailer which involves a great deal of powerful shots to capture the audience’s attention. Thankfully after the late start of the whole group editing we were one of the first groups to finish their production. Since day one my group have been working hard constantly to get our production completed to the best standard. We made some dramatic changes like changing the title for instance our new title for our production is 'pulse of darkness.' The title sums up the whole production by providing the audience with an element of what the trailer will be about. We have tried to include all the elements and key conventional concepts of the horror genre.

On the whole working in a group where there has been confrontations, disagreements, but fun, laughter, understanding, as well as a lot of jokes where I always wanted to put Beyonce’s song irreplaceable and Jojo- baby its you in the production, however learning from each other we have been able to produce an outstanding piece of work which reflects in our production. Personally it has been an experience in itself working within a group of three fabulous people where I have had the opportunity as well to develop my knowledge of the subject which I hope will help me in the future. The expertise of the mentors has also contributed to bringing the editing to another level. Working together with them as well has been an eye opener.

Furthermore the end product entails a women besotted with her lover due to the fact that he betrayed her for other women due to the circumstance the character becomes vindictive and inflicts pain on other women to gain self satisfaction. The trailer reflects part of the film by the use of different shots including panning shots and low key lighting. As a matter of fact one the scenes shot previously through sheer amateurism was included in the final draft as it was considered to reflect the mood of that scene.

Finally viewing the trailer gave us a sense of achievement and fulfilment, thus preparing us for the next challenge.


Practical Production Review

Directed by:
Lamia Hakiki, Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci, Farah Khan. Starring: Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci

Pulse of Darkness consists of a hollywood horror trailer. It conforms to the horror genre by featuring shock, suspense and terror all envoked from a disillusioned female aiming to murder an innocent victim, using a knife as her primary source of attack.

To ensure the audience's generic expectations were fulfilled, we used a variety of close ups, which were present, of the victim to illustrate her fearful facial expressions; this shot was used to capture the blood stained knife to raise fear from the audience as that naturally would result in alarm and therefore create enigma as a cut occurred thereafter.

Our decision to include a parallel soundtrack, proved really creepy as it complimented the negative events occuring; such as the villian chasing the victim, which therefore proved dramatic and entertaining for the primary audience.

It's easy to identify the sense of realism "Pulse of darkness" adopts, which is prominent in the mise- en- scene, which complimented the horror genre and conformed to the horror ideology; therefore complimenting the codes and conventions, which are actively present in horror films. This was easily identified from the blood stained knife- an icon greatly used by the villain to inflict pain in the history of horror films, also the blood stained victim, which created the illusion she was really injured. This resulted in the trailer proving realistic and forcing the audience to identify with the victim, from their pain she was actively experiencing.

Interesting facts:
-The blood we used was made from ketchup, honey and food colouring
- We had so many on going problems with the editing, after We were assigned the laptop, which resulted in us constantly needing assistance and getting delayed in editing. This was due to the software constanstly freezing, so we had to keep re- starting the programme, it proved really annoying but it fortunately worked out in the end and proved a relief for all of us.


Lamia's Review

Directed by: Lamia Hakiki, Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci, Farah Khan.
Starring: Hasnaa Khedarun, Valeria Bramucci
Trailer 2007,

Pulse of Darkness is a Hollywood horror trailer, which aims to entertain its audience and at the same time informing them about the murder that is happening around the world, especially with problems of teenagers and as we are hearing a lot of these fatality problems this time.

In this trailer we included some really good shots, which made our trailer look realistic such as big close ups of the victim (Valeria) when she is shown with blood all over her face and she is shown as really frightened.

The other thing that made the trailer look really good and realistic was the parallel music that we have used which for example when we edited some scenes together and used the dip to black effect cutting from the scenes of the victim to the scenes of the murderer (Hasnaa), we there included the parallel sound which was of the heart beat.

We also used the parallel music when we filmed the knife covered with blood; we used the screams when showing that scene, so this will show the trailer uses a lot of murder and those screams which might mean that the victim is screaming asking for help when she is being murdered even though it is not shown when she is being murdered, it just making the audience see that when the victim’s face is covered with blood, it is therefore trying to create enigma and to make the audience think about how was the victim murdered and really wanting the audience wanting to watch.
we also included the Propp theory of the hero and the Villain, where Valeria was the hero trying to escape being killed and Hasnaa is the villain trying to kill her which is one of the convention of the horror trailers, because it is always used in that genre of trailer.
we used the titles which really fit in with the scenes, for eg: when we show the title "when she's alone in the dark" we show Hasnaa alone in the dark, we are showing the audience what we really mean.
Interesting facts!!!
When we were making the blood, we first tried ketchup then Farah came up with the idea that she knew how they really make blood in real movies, so we did but when it didn’t really work we tried all different types of ingredients especially food colouring and then we managed to get the blood.
When editing we really found it hard to edit because the computer was getting frozen and we got so many problems and we weren't able to get any done, but until the end we managed to get the editing done .

Friday, 11 May 2007


Don't worry bout the whole trailer thing, cos Mr Babu said that he'll make us a copy of our original one when the exams are over!


Thursday, 10 May 2007

And now I am sad, because the wrong trailer was put onto the DVD! We made one and copied it because we needed to make alot of changes at one point and because both of them had the same title Mr Babu got confused and accidentally put the wrong one onto the CD! It's no one's fault but it's a dissapointing situation so if it doesn't look that good you know why...


Monday, 7 May 2007

Farah's Final Progress Report!

Finally we have completed our production and were given positive feedback. Thankfully our trailer did turn out kinda like we had imagined it would be and it's really satisfying to see all of our hard work paying off...actually we need to find out our grade first! Me and Lamia came in last week to sort out the final things that we were told to change including removing one institution which we changed totally by bringing in a new institution, '20th Century Fox'. So in the end it all turned out great and I am very proud of us!

December 2007

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Practical Production Evaluation - ‘The Pulse Of Darkness’ 2007

For my practical production I worked within a group of four people to create a
Hollywood horror movie trailer called ‘The pulse of darkness’. Since we have
used the word ‘darkness’ in our title, it was important for us to emphasis this
within our trailer by using many of our low key lighting shots in order to convey
this to the audience. Our trailer revolves around a female protagonist who is
also the villain of our story, out to get her vengeance on the woman who
destroyed her life causing her to turn to the ‘darkness’ for her sanctuary. The
audience that we will target will be working class female adults of all ethnicities since our trailer will portray two females in the key roles with one
being Caucasian and the other being Asian, while being set in an urban
working class area therefore serving a purpose of personal identity in some

As we have chosen to produce a Hollywood trailer we’ve used ‘20th Century
Fox’ as our institution as it is recognised as a usual Hollywood institution and
this therefore gives our trailer an authentic look which may appeal to our
target audience due to the fact that they may have a liking for Hollywood films.

Our working title to start off with was ‘Blind Date’ and we began to realise that
throughout the editing process the narrative of our trailer had to be altered
since we decided to replace our lighter shots with our low key lighted ones in
order to relate our trailer with the study of ‘film noir’, therefore removing key
elements of the proposed storyline. This was also useful for us to create a
sense of enigma within the trailer in order to keep the target audience on edge
and eager to view the film on its release and also to relate our work to Barthes
theory of gripping the audience throughout the text by using enigma codes.

We decided that the best way to go about our editing was for the whole group
to be present during each editing session as we found that when we tried to
work separately, there were aspects of our trailer that other group members
did not like or differed on. By all of us being there we were able to give an
equal input into our production and make mutual decisions such as changing
the narrative of the trailer to make it better suited to the genre.

However, we also found that the music that we had chosen to accompany our
trailer was not parallel to the final product and therefore did not link to the
genre. My job was to therefore search for music that was better suited to our
trailer and luckily within a day I was able to come across some useful piece
of music and sound effects that juxtaposed well with our narrative.

We were also given constructive criticism and were told that in
order to give a real representation of Hollywood, we would have to add an
authentic Hollywood institution to our trailer and this is when we decided to
choose ‘20th Century Fox’ as this has been an institute for successful horror
movies throughout the years such as ”The Omen” (1976) and “The Hills Have
Eyes” (2006). Hasnaa then took the responsibility of finding the institution and adding it to our work. I took the responsibility of structuring our trailer and estimating which shot was worth keeping to make it appealing to our target audience. Lamia and Valeria were mainly on hand as our technical helpers and were very accommodating when it came to working the Adobe Premiere Pro which made it easier for us to complete our trailer on time. They also gave their personal input into the production. By working closely together we were able to gain a sense of group achievement.

As we have seen in many Hollywood movie trailers the use of a voiceover has
always been present, but we decided that it would be interesting if we did not
follow this stereotype and let our trailer be self explanatory through it’s linear
narrative with the help of titles in between shots to stimulate the minds of our
audiences and draw them in to find our more about the film. However, our
montage sequence does not involve any titles in between or any music,
instead we have used the sound of a heartbeat which slowly builds up the
tension leading to the revelation of the film’s title.

We decided to open our trailer with an establishing shot of the setting in order
to grab the viewers attention and then led this to shots of the villain in a vague
image in order to create enigma. We then wanted to change the speed of the trailer from slow to fast so that we could offer something more interesting to
our audience. This proved to be very successful as when we had the mentors
view it, they agreed with this decision and admitted that it kept them hooked
on the trailer to see what would happen next.

Once our production was complete we found that one of the shots that we
used were a little too dark and therefore could confuse the audience in
recognising the image that they are seeing. Another weakness that we found
in our final piece was that the montage sequence may have been a bit too
long and may also seem give the audience a chance to lose interest in the
events occurring. However, we feel that it may be useful in building tension
and enigma as many other horror trailers do.

The strengths of our production I was the soundtrack. We found that
when people viewed it they were first to comment on the impact that the
soundtrack had on trailer. We also felt a great sense of authenticity when we
saw the opening of our trailer as it involved usual Hollywood conventions of a
trailer’s opening such as the representation of our institution of ‘20th Century
Fox’ and the establishing shot as we had seen many times throughout our research of horror movie trailers.

As I wrote in my brief, even though the narrative of our production has
changed we still believe that it would be a movie most likely to appear on
channel 4 or ITV as it still appeals to a more younger variety of audience and
those who seek to be entertained as well as informed therefore accepting
violence in their movies as a form of entertainment.

Farah Khan


Friday, 4 May 2007

Progress Report

This past week, Hasna and Lamia gave me the feed back from whether we need to make any final improvements to our trailer. Fortunately our trailer proves really good and no final changes need to be made. I am really happy with the end result and hopeful that we will get a good grade as we all worked really hard to produce it. All the extra editing we did really made a difference and as a result our trailer proves realistic as it conforms to the horror conventions.

By Valeria

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Practical Prodution Evaulation

My Practical Production evaluation- ‘pulse of darkness’

My practical production is consisting of four group members in which we all worked together to produce a film trailer entitled “Pulse of Darkness”. Our trailer embodies a horror genre which features a disillusioned female protagonist who murders innocent victims-purely for her own entertainment in her mental state of mind. From the use of ‘darkness’ being present in the title on a conational level it emphasizes negative occurrences which mostly takes place in the dark, which enforces the creepy environment strongly associated. The use of ‘pulse’ indicates the emotional anxiety which will result in the victim’s heart beat increasing from feelings of tension experienced. This as a result would force the viewer to identify with the victim’s tense anxiety created as they are witnessing the pain.

To ensure every group member had an active role during production, we all cooperated and worked together which resulted in experience gained by everyone involved. However, in terms of editing the production my group were assigned a lap top to edit, in which on countless occasions we experienced technical problems as it kept freezing, however everyone was motivated and therefore worked hard together to ensure the completion of editing.

After studying “Triumph of the Will”in Module Two, the use of parallel music present which as a result proved effective and complimented the action occurring. This influenced our decisions to use a parallel soundtrack, which is to coincide with the creepy atmosphere created. This is easily identified throughout the trailer in shots depicting horror and tense emotion, in which the music proves eerie and creates suspense. We also used point of view shots which are also prominent in “Triumph of the Will” in the hope that the audience can identify with the victim and as a result adopt the tense, scared emotions that the victim embodies.

Horror conventions were followed, we ensured a variety of close ups were used of the victim to illustrate her fearful facial expressions, this shot was used to capture the blood stained knife to invoke fear from the audience as that naturally would raise alarm and create enigma as a cut occurred thereafter. Films such as “Halloween”, “Silence of the lambs” and “Saw”. These three successful horror films all influenced and instigated relevant ideas for our linear narrative. Our trailer conformed to Propp’s theory from the use to include a hero and a villain which was made aware and therefore prominent in the running scenes illustrating the strong effort experienced by the victim to escape the villain. This was further portrayed in the close up of the victim screaming “help!”.

There were many strengths present, they are existent in the mise en scene which was present. It was accurate as it complimented the horror genre and complimented the horror genre and suited the codes and conventions which are actively present in horror films. This was easily identified from the blood stained knife- an icon greatly used by the villain to inflict pain in the history of horror films, also the blood stained victim, which created the illusion she was really injured. This resulted in the trailer proving realistic. Another strength, is the fact that we chose to include a female to represent the villain, as in most horror films, the male tends to adopt this role. Therefore, it obliterates stereotypes surrounding females and challenges the patriarchal ideology. A last strength was the villian’s face being obscured in her hood, which created enigma, which conformed to Barthe’s theory of enigma. This would appeal to the target audience as their perceptions of a horror film are being satisfied as they are engaged in the sinister shots.

There were however weaknesses in our production, in the form of the setting which was unoriginal, as many horror films have located in a house therefore reduced the feeling of authenticity. We should have located in an original setting to enforce authenticity, which therefore would have proved interesting.

The two suitable institutions for our trailer will be Miramax and Metro Goldwyn Mayer. This is due to the fact that they are both two successful important studios in which they have produced a range of successful films. Miramax is well known to have distributed flourishing horror films such as “Dracula 3” (2005) “Hellraiser”, (2005) and “Scary Movie 4”. (2006) Metro Goldwyn Mayer distributed many thriving popular films such as “Hannibal”, (2001) “Amityville” (2005) “The Brother’s Grimm” (2005) and “The Vampire Hunter” (2001) such films helped in providing us to use various devices in our trailer, some of which are included in the films stated, such as pain, suffering, torture and blood being an iconic symbol.

Therefore, “Pulse of Darkness” aims to fulfill its aim to entertain its primary target audience in the form of evoking fear and enigma throughout the montage sequence. Working together as a group ensured the success of the trailer. It proved enjoyable, however stressful at times, as we has to be dedicated to complete the editing. It we had the opportunity to produce another horror trailer or film, we would relocate to somewhere authentic and unique to create realism, we would also use a voice over which was not present in our trailer, this would therefore prove more realistic as it would add to the audience being engaged and conformed to trailer conventions.

By Valeria

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Hasnaa's final progress report....

Last week myself and Lamia attended a meeting with Mr. Bush for last minute feedback. On that particualar occasion we were told that our prodction was complete and the only thing that was to be done was to put on a cd. Furthmore, we were told by Mr. Bush that no changes need to be made. He was pleased with the end product and we feel elated by the fact that we everything is has been done to out best ability. Thankfully there will be no more late night editings not that i ever attended anway however all my free periods where spent doing editing, which has created more self motivation for me to continue to work hard in not only this subject but in others also.

To All Members Of The Group

Our h/w this week is to write up our evaluations on the blog and also to write our final progress report!

Lamia Hakiki 12A
Practical Production Evaluation
(1,275 words)

For my practical production, I worked in a group of four people, we decided to make a horror trailer, we all agreed on the idea to make a horror trailer, and our trailer is called “Pulse of Darkness”.
The horror genre was used in our trailer by the storyline; because the whole story was based on that genre and by the shots we used that were low key lighting.
In relation to what we have studied in module two “Film and Broadcast fiction” we decided to make a horror trailer and using the convention studied in texts such as “Bullet Boy”(2005)and “Kidulthood”, we used the convention that “Bullet Boy” used a lot which was the low key lighting and the issue that both of those movie had which was murder, and that we have used in our trailer as well.
In addition to those texts, we did some more research on horror trailers such as “The Omen” and “Saw” we then got a lot of ideas, we saw that we needed to use the convention such as low key lighting and a lot of dark scenes as it is one of the horror conventions. We chose to search and investigate on those particular texts because they both had a similar genre to our trailer, so we found that useful and it really helped us.
Our working title was “Blind Date” and that was the first title we came up with at the beginning of our production, we had a different story line which was about a woman dating innocent men and killing them after wards, but then we found out that the genre of that was not really horror as it was romance as well because she was dating and it did not include horror conventions such as dark scenes etc, and then we changed our title to “Sweet Revenge” which was because the murderer was revenging from her past, but at the end we got the perfect title for our production which was “Pulse of Darkness”.
During our process of filming we came up with different ideas that were better and we changed the story line, and we decided to change our title to “Pulse of Darkness” this title looked more as a horror title, because it included the work dark which is related to horror conventions and pulse which is like a heart pulse when the victim is running her heart is beating, this title really matches the narrative of our trailer.
As the genre of our movie trailer is horror so it is aimed at a 16-25 audience of both genders from different ethnicities as our primary audience, and teenagers as our secondary audience, as it is a Hollywood trailer we want to appeal to a larger audience. our trailer is trying to create enigma throughout its titles and the phrases included especially “Pulse of Darkness” which is really a horror title and they will want to know why we have included those words in our trailer, we are trying to make the audience really wanting to know what is going to happen next and they are really wanting to watch the movie, so that is going to attract our audience and go to see the movie, the fans of this type of genre will be more likely to see the movie.
The trailer is about a woman trying to revenge from her past by killing innocent people, this woman is unknown, and she kills innocent females as it does in our trailer, she is trying to kill an innocent female, and this ideology is related to the theory of the hero and the villain, because we have the villain which is the murder and the hero which is the victim, both of our protagonists are females which is trying to promote a females ideology and showing how females are involved in murder in this society.
The female ideology can be seen as a binary opposition of Levi Strauss because we are opposing other movies which they mainly use men and teenagers as murderers as in “Bullet Boy”. To make our trailer different and stand out we have used both female protagonists.
Our cinematography was really good and effective, we have filmed the shots that we need, most of the filming by one person, but I was giving ideas on the ways to shot the scenes and what kind of scene to shot, we have used the low key lighting when filming the dark scenes, which really helped us when we reached the editing process, we used shots such as close ups on the murder’s face which included at the end our trailer to see how she is feeling and to identify with her.
When we first started editing, we shared the responsibilities in doing this work, so we were doing editing during our free periods and after school, at the beginning we had some problems when editing, the laptop used to get frozen every time we decided to start working, so basically we could not get any editing done, even though we tried many times but then we decided to edit at home but it did not work and we did not get anything done.
When the deadline was approaching we really did a lot of work we worked everyday to get it done, it was still a bit hard to finish off the last product because not the whole group was present sometimes, so we couldn’t do a lot, because if we did something and other members did not like it, we therefore had to change it, this was really hard to get it done, I was present in each session that we did editing and if I was alone I could not do a lot because not the whole group was present, when we nearly came to an end we decided to spent all the time we have got left and finish it off and the whole group needed to be present, we then got a lot done we came up with a final title and we also had difficulties to find the title sequences, we came up with many ideas but did not fit within the scenes, but at the end we got some really good titles that matched the scenes, this was one of the difficulties that we faced during the process of editing, we also used slow motion in our trailer to show the main shots and there we included the heartbeat soundtrack, we were showing the victim and the murder at the same time.
The music that we have used is digetic sound, I got the music at the beginning but then it didn’t really work well with the production and the scenes, and we changed because another member of the group got a perfect music which really fit within the trailer, we now got different soundtracks relating with each scenes.
When we came to the end of our production, we felt that there was something missing so in order to make it a perfect trailer we needed to include the institutions, we had about three institutions, but we felt it will be better to include only one institution and that was the 20th century fox institution which is a Hollywood institution and which is related to the type of trailer that we have made, the institution really made the trailer look so much better and look really professional because it included everything that was needed to make the trailer, and we are really proud of it because we worked really hard especially at the end.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Lamia's Progress Report
During the last week, we have finished our production and the week before we had some feedback from Mr Bush on the things that we had to change, for example we had to add video effects, make the size of the font the same, we have worked on that last week and we finished it and we improved that.
again when we had the final meeting with Mr Bush last friday the 27th of april, we had a really good feedback and the production was finished, we didn't had to make anymore changes , it just need to be put on a cd and that is it.
we are really proud of it because we worked really hard to get it done, welldone to all the group.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Hasnaa's contribution throughout the practical production......

  • Throughout this production i have contributed a lot due to the fact that i was the central protagonist so i had to always be around.
  • I did have a chanse to film a certain scene and show off my filming skills.
  • Improved and learnt new editing skills.
  • There are other things but i cant think right now lol

Hasnaa's progress report......

Today myself and Lamia had a short meeting with Mr. Bush thankfully for the first time he never found any faults, we were both very happy with the end product.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

We've finished our production now finally...except Mr Bush still needs to check it out. Today me and Lamia went during lunch to finish everything off...I sorted out a few things in between scenes that sir wanted us to fix!


Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Hasnaa's Progress Report.....

Today myself and Lamia, completed our practical production finally after such a long time we have complete it. We have included further cuts and dissolves and complete our production to the best of out ability.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Hasnaa's progress report.......

Hasnaa's progress report.......

Today during our lunch period myself, Farah and Lamia edited our last piece of work. We dont have much to complete now however, what is left i think are the hardest part to do. Due to the fact that by mistake we included two institutions instead of one, therefore once that was changed all our edits where moved therefore we had to reorganise our work back to normal so that it looks like a production which we spent time time on. However, the plan for tomorrow is jst to continue where we left off and spend maximum time on what we have left to do due to the fact that we all want to get good grades as well as a fantastic production.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Lamia's progress report...

Our production is finished, we really worked hard this last week to get it done on time, we have had some feedback from mr Bush, we have changed where we needed to make changes,to make it look better.
the feedback was really helpful and managed us to finish our production and what was missing, we finished it and we were working hard during our free periods.
we needed change in video effects and adding some new ones, we also took out the institutions Goldwyn mayor and sony pictures, because we found out that we needed only one instituion which is miramax films and that is the one we left.
we also took out some titles and tried to resize the fonts and make them in the same font.
the most important thing is that we have finished the production and we are really proud of it cause we have put on a lot of work.:)

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Hasnaa's progress report

Last Wednesday myself and Lamia had an appointment with Mr. Bush we showed him our practical production and thankfully received a postitive feedback. There was only minor changes which had to be made and thankfully it was all completed on Friday. Now that our production has been completed it looks very good and whilst showing the media mentors and Mr. Bush we have received positive feedback.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Well our practical production is almost complete now...all we need to do is get rid of one institution because Lamia and Hasnaa accidentally added two in there. We also need to restore some of our edits because we lost those while we were adding and removing things but we're sure that we'll be done...We wanna get together again maybe tomorrow and finish off what we have left because we really want this to turn out good after all the problems we had! But overall, we are very proud of our trailer...


Saturday, 7 April 2007


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Friday, 6 April 2007



Thursday, 5 April 2007

Hasnaa's progress report....

Today Lamia, me and Valeria all attended the editing session so that we could finish off our practical production.Thankfully after the late start of the whole group editing we were one of the first groups today to finish. Since Monday my group has been working hard constantly to get our production completed to the best standard. We made some dramatic changes like changing the title for instance our new title for our production is 'pulse of darkness.' The title sums up the whole production by providing the audience with an element of what the trailer will be about.We have tried to include all the elements and key conventional concepts of the horror genre. On the whole working in a group where there has been confrontations, disagreements, but fun, laughter, understanding,as well as a lot of jokes where i always wanted to put Beyonces song irreplaceable and Jojo- baby its you in the production, however learning from each other we have been able to produce an outstanding piece of work which reflects in our production. Personally it has been an experiance in itself working within a group of three fabulous people where i have had the opportunity as well to develop my knowledge of the subject which i hope will help me in the future. The expertice of the mentors has also contributed to bringing the editing to another level. working together with them aswell has been an eye opener.

Check out my SkinFlix!

By Hasnaa

Check out my SkinFlix!

By Hasnaa

Check out my SkinFlix!

By Hasnaa

Check out my SkinFlix!


Check out my Slide Show! By Hasnaa

Our progress when filming...

Lamia's progress report

During this last week from monday untill thursday, we came everyday form 9-4 to meet the deadline and finish our editing.
during this last week, we did a lot of work and we changed a lot, we changed the title sequences again and now the final title for our production is "pulse of darkness", we all contributed in the editing and gave our ideas. we changed the title sequences in the horror writing and we also video effects.
we also added lot of soundtracks in realtion to our scenes, those soundtracks Farah brought, we added the soundtracks accoreding to the scnes we did the slowmotion for some scenes and added the heart beat sound on top of them it looks really good.
we also tried to narrow down the trailer into the trailer convention which is 1 to 2minutes.
we added on the institutions we added "metro Goldwyn Mayor" institution, we also added on "miramax" institution and sony pictures, unfotunatley when we tried to add the voice over it didnt work. we chose the insititutions from the list which hasnna put on the blog.
we also used all the trailer conventions which makes it look realistic as a horror trailer.
we also got some feedback from the mentors which really helped us finalise our project, they told us what needed change etc..., and helped us when we got stuck
really everyone did a great job and we really worked hard to finalise our project and thanks tpo the mentors as well.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Institutions for our practical productions

A list of all the differnt types of insititutions which could be used in our practical production:-

  • '20th Century Fox' <- The chosen one!
  • Dream works S.K.G.
  • Fox searchlight pictures
  • IMAX corporation
  • Independent
  • Lionsgate
  • MGM studios
  • Magnolia pictures
  • Miramax films
  • New Line cinema
  • Newmarket films
  • Paramount classics
  • Paramount pictures
  • Paramount vantage
  • Picture House
  • Rogue pictures
  • Sony pictures
  • Sony picture classics
  • Thinkfilm
  • Touchstone pictures
  • Goldwyn Mayor
  • Universal pictures
  • Walt Disney pictures
  • Warner Bros. pictures
  • Warner independent picture
  • Weinstein company

Progress Report

Our Practical production is finally complete as the editing has all been done. Today Hasna, Lamia and I added two institutions for our trailer- Miramax and Metro Goldwyn Mayer this as a result makes our trailer look professional. All the shots are really good as they look realistic and creepy, the soundtrack adds to this. I am confident that we will get a good grade from this production as a lot of work has been put in by every one.
Hasnaa's progress report

Today we finished our practical production- we've added all the music and all the scenes which we wished to add. I know i'm probably going to jinxs what im about to say, but i think it needs to be said our practical production is really good and i think that it will at least get a grade A. (Hopefully.) All we need to do now is show it to the mentors one last time and watch it again before it gets handed in.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Progress Report

On Monday and Tuesday, we were able to progress even further in our trailer as all the group members were present. The trailer has really developed now and therefore looks more realistic. We found an even better soundtrack for our production which compliments it better then the previous one. We are in the final stages of editing.
Hasnaa's progress report.....

The whole group on monday and tuesday really worked hard to be able to complete our practical productions to the best of our ability. If you look at our production it is unbeliveable how much it has been transformed. We are only left to add a title as well as to completely polish off our production before the due date of Thursday.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Hasnaa's progress report.

Last Friday; Lamia Valeria and me continued to edit, we changed da music and added more scenes. We decided that we wanted to add some more changes to our production before the due date comes.
Lamia's Progress Report.

During the last week we have done so much progress, we worked everyday during our free periods and after school, we have done so much progress.
we cutted a lot of scenes that we didnt need, we found the appropriate music, because the music we had wasnt really horror, so we added horror music on friday, now it really matches with the genre of the trailer.
we added the video effects, we added title sequences to make it look more like a trailer, we added the titles with the colours and the words related to the trailer.
we have made so much progress this last week, especially on thursday and friday we stayed a lot of time, me, hasnaa and valeria.
now our trailer looks like a real trailer, but we just need to add some more video effects and if possible a voice over.
we couldnt get any feed back from the mentors or the teachers because at the begining we had a lot of problems editing, but we will try to finish during the following days and put up in the blog and there we can get some feedback.
we will add another music of horror and then we will be finished.

Friday, 30 March 2007

Valeria's Progress Report

Today, Hasnaa Lamia and I all met to complete some more editing. We improved our work and found a better soundtrack for our trailer; which proves really creepy. Therefore it is parallel to the action occuring and compliments it, it also proves more effective and realistic as there is a scary atmosphere created. The only thing that needs to be done is the voice over, after which the editing will be completed.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Progress Report

Today, Lamia Hasna and I all met up in the conference room and editied for a long period of time, in which We were able to make a lot of progress in the form of adding the various title graphics for our trailer, which complimented the action occurring. As a result of adding the titles, our trailer now looks reaslistic as it embodies all the conventions associated with film trailers. The music present however doesn't compliment the horror genre, as it proves contrapuntal.Therefore, We will change the music for a more creepy soundtrack which will suit our trailer more. The final changes that need to be done is a voiceover, which after doing that our editing will be more or less completed and then we will just be re checking everything.

Monday, 26 March 2007

Hasnaa's progress report....

We have edited all the major scenes and now it all depends on the music which hopefully will be put into place tomorow.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Progress Report

On Friday we got alot of editing done, THANK GOD!, but unfortunately no music so hopefully on Monday Hasnaa will bring it in...even though the laptop did freeze quiet a few times we still managed to get something done so now on monday we're gonna do some more editing...we should meet the deadline...think so


Saturday, 24 March 2007

My progress report

On friday the 23rd of march, we have done a lot we worked for 5 periods un our free time, we really worked hard, we got a lot done then we had expected, unfortunatley we couldn't put on the music because we forgot it, we hope to get most of it done in during the following days.
Everyone has put a great effort on the work, during the editing we all came up with different ideas that really helped.
i really helped and used my skills to make a good production,we all shared our skills, we finnaly new how to trim after trying, we really learned so many things.
we got a lot done after some days that we had a lot of problems. we are going to finish the editing before the dead line.
good job everyone


Friday, 23 March 2007

Progress Report

Today was good as every group member was present for the editing, so we all worked together. We trimmed some scenes which we didn't need. We were actually able to edit properly, without any technical problems, although the music we needed to add was forgotton, however we made good progress and worked really hard. For the next few days we will all continue to edit and complete the editing.


Hasnaa's progress report - 23rd March 2007

Today the whole group managed to get some editing done. We worked hard as a team to get things done so that it could be finished for the dead line. There was only one main issue which was probably my fault and that was i forgot to bring in the music - nevertherless i'll bring it in on monday so that we can add the final touches to out production.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Additional comment

Thanks for that Lamia!! But yeah i will start to edit tomorow morning again hopefully everythin will work out well.

Progress Report

Today me n hasnna were doing editing in the morning at hasnaa's house, we did most of the editing, but then we saved into the usb when we stayed after school to show the media mentors what we've done so far but unfotunatley we couldnt show anything because it didnt work, with the laptop that we used at school.
we are going to do it again at school and use the computer at school and we can do work, now it will be much easier as we've done it before we now know what to cut and where to add. we are going to meet the deadline, even the problems.
tomorow hasnaa will start editing again in the morning.

Hasnaa's progress report.

On tuesday during our frees during period 1 and 2 Lamia came to my house to do some editing. We managed to complete all our project to a satisfactory standard. However, after school again me and Lamia, began to edit but there were problems. Firstly there wasnt enough laptops to go round, secondly our project didnt want to open on the school laptop anyway it doesn't matter because even though we dont have much time till the due date ium sure that we will be able to fix our problems in the project.

Monday, 19 March 2007

Progress Report

This past week I have been editing at Hasna's house. However I wasnt able to go to continue editing over the weekend due to problems which arised. Although progress has been made for the pratical production as the music soundtrack that was chosen has been approved. Next week we will be continuing to edit as we only have one week to finish, therefore we have a lot to complete.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Self Evaluation By Farah Khan

I put a lot of effort into my work in class and with my homework. I try to keep up with all the work set and with the blog for our practical production. I'm gonna give myself a 2...

I'm always putting effort into my work I believe so for that I would grade myself a 1...

I'm always on time to my lessons even if the teacher arrives early or late so for that i'll give myself a 1...

Submission and quality of homework:
I rarely forget to do homework and when I do hand it in it is I believe of good quality because I do try my best so I give myself a 2...

Ability to work independantly:
I think that I'm good at working independantly as I can handle doing things alone and don't depend on people even when I do work in a group (thankfully) so for that I give myself a big 1!

Quality of writing:
I think that the quality of my writing is quiet good although I think that I could improve in some areas especially in essay writing...so I give myself a 3 for that one...

Organisation of media folder:
My media folder is organised ok...though i think that needs to improve because it's kinda mixed up because of revision and stuff but it's still fairly organised so for that right now i'll give myself a 3...

Oral contributions in class:
I don't think that I do contribute as much as I used to in class but I think that the reason for that is that I enjoyed the film and broadcast fiction part more but I think that when we have to speak up in class in our practical production groups I do talk alot so I would give myself a 2...

Comments and contributions to the macguffin blog:
I do alot for the blog I think, I even gave it a whole make-over in the half term but it went back to the same old self again. I do all the work that asked of my on the blog and give alot of ideas to my group through the blog... so that will be a 2...

Contribution to the group practical production:
For that I do alot...I contribute enough and I give loads and loads of ideas to the group because I have so many. This is what I enjoy most about the course so I do contribute alot...that will be a 1!

Three targets/ areas of improvements over the next half term:
1: Be more organised
2: Improve essay writing skills

3: Spend more time revising
Does anyone have a life in the sixth form? Day in day out i spend it editing like crazy and even on the weekend I find the rest of my group who are all crazy editing like mad. Anyway, we managed to complete our editing over the weekend, however there was a problem of trying to put it on a disk so that it could be brought to school and shown to the mentors - however nevertheless we will buy the dvd recordable cd and make sure that it is handed in for the mentors feedback.


Saturday, 17 March 2007

Valeria's Self Evaluation

I always work hard in lessons and always complete the tasks which are set on time. I would grade myself a 1.
I work hard in lessons to my full potential so I am able to really understand the topics, which results in me producing good pieces of work. I would grade myself a 1.
I generally attend all media lessons. however there have been a few occasions in which I have missed two lessons. Although I always arrive on time. I would grade myself a 2.
Submission and quality of homework
I generally hand all my homewok in on time, however there were two occasions in which I failed to meet the deadline set although I handed it in the following lesson. The quality of my homework is really good as it is always presented neatly and not rushed, in which I take my time to complete it. I would grade myself a 2.
Ability to work independantly
I am capable to work independantly, in which I use the library and internet to research current topics I am studying to produce my own work. I would grade myself a 1.
Quality of writing
The quality of my writing is always of a high standard. This is due to me always using words of a high vocabulary, which really improves my work. My presentation is always neat. I would grade myself a 1.
Organisation of media folder
My media folder is always organised, in which I have used dividers for each section covered, which is beneficial for my revision. I would garade myself a 1.
Oral contributions in class
I don't really contribute in class, although I should, to express my opinons in a particular topic raised, However if I am asked a question, I will answer it correctly. I would grade myself a 2.
Comments and contributions to the macguffin blog
I always contribute to the macguffin blog, in which I produce produce reports and have posted up various pics of our production so far and posted up research. I have also commented on other blogs. I would grade myself a 1.
Contribution to the group practical production
I had an active role in acting as I was playing a victim. I also pitched suitable ideas for our production and edited. I would grade myself a1.
Three targets/ areas of improvements over the next half term
1) To contribute more in class
2) To always hand homework in for the deadline set.
3) To attend all media lessons

Friday, 16 March 2007

Lamia's self evaluation

i think that i achieved a lot of during the last term, in my writting skills for module one, i always try to follow the comments given by the teacher and improve my piece of homework everytime, i also try to improve other pieces of writtings in other modules and practice more writting.
i have been trying and other members of the my media production group trying to do a lot of work in filming and editing during the last weeks.
i always try and put a great effort in participating in class and a lot of effort when doing my homeworks, i always try to improve my quality of work.
i am always punctual to lessons, if im late to one class i try to improve my attendance and come early the other lesson.
Submission and quality of homework-3
i always submit my homework on time, my quality of work has improved a lot, compared to the begining of the year, but i need to put more efforts and improve more on my homeworks especially writting skills.
Ability to work independently-1
i am able to woork independently and i am able to do the task independently and look at other media texts in my own time, to improve my knowledge ogf media.
Quality of writing-3
my quality of writting is improving everytime and i am trying to do my best to get good grades in the exams, i think i am getting better in my quality of writting work, with writting with a good structure, especially for the flow charts to link the media language points together im trying to improve in those.
Organisation of Media folder -1
my media folder is organised in different topics and it is ready to start doing revision, it is organised as i wanted it to help me do my revisions for mocks and exams.
Oral contributions in class-3
my oral contribution to class, i try to contribute to everything that we're doing in class and share my ideas to the class, for the practical production i gave in my ideas to the rest of the group, we all shared many ideas of how to make a better production, and what to change.
Quality of coursework -2
our quality of coursework is good, we really put a lot of efforts on it, the editing is going good aswell, we just need to do some adjustments, i put a lot of work in the editing, as the other members of the group,by giving ideas to each other and everyone contributed in filming and the editing.
Standard of Module 3 blog (Year 12s only)-1
our blog looks good, with pictures of our production and good progress reports form each member of the group and what the group is up to.

My targets for the term:

improve my writting skills

contribute to oral conversation in class

finish editing before the end of term

do more revisions

Hasnaa’s self- evaluation.


1 – I am always trying to work to the best of my ability so that I am able to do better and better.

1 – I try to work my hardest and put a lot of effort in to my work so that when it comes to exam preparation I am able to have all my notes ready to revise from.

1- I have always been punctual especially to all my media lessons.

Submission and quality of homework
2- I am generally very good at handing in my homework especially to Mr. Bush, however there are some issues when it comes to Ms. Jones which consists of ‘3 concept flow paragraphs.’ I seem to find difficulties when writing concept flow paragraphs because sometimes I go off task.

Ability to work independently
2 – Sometimes I am able to work independently however when facing difficulties in work I do tend to ask for friends help.

Quality of writing
1 – I try my best not to write in slang however i have noticed since i have stopped studying English in year 11, i have noticed a change in my writing for instance more spelling mistakes than normal -or just not being able to phrase sentences correctly.

Organisation of media folder
1- This is one of the folders which I always keep in order.

Oral contribution in class
2 – I don’t really contribute that much because sometimes I feel that my answers may be wrong, however when asked a direct question on the spot the question does get answered. Sometimes I feel shy to answer the questions in front of class mates.

Comments and contributions to the Macguffin blog
2- As I have only got the internet a few weeks ago, I have been totally addicted to the whole posting up work and images on the blog. I have greatly improved from before.

Contribution to the group practical production
1- As I was the central protagonist of the story I had a great deal of contribution in out practical production. However, I did help on other tasks such as filming.

Three targets/ areas of improvements over the next half term

Pay more attention on class.
Try and do Ms. Jones homework to a better standard.
Try to participate in class more.

Hasnaa's Progress Report

Not much happened on Friday apart from editing again after school at my house. Over the weekend the whole group will meet up again for a few hours to edit again so that all the work will be completed to a high and satisfactory standard.

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